In my words

Why meditation matters even more today

When human as a collective has all-time low attention span, meditation matters even more. But do you know meditation isn't about achieving "no thought"?

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Spiritual meanings of pregnancy

Amy shared how she just knew that a baby is conceived inside her body almost right away. Why is this possible from a spiritual point of view.

Why is it OK to take money in exchange of teaching yoga (and other spiritual practices)?

Why yoga teachers must be paid fairly and why are yoga classes that expensive?

Visions and Values

My service is based in Vancouver, the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), ​and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.

Yoga as it is

Technically, yoga posture is only one-eighth of this thing called "yoga".  

Yoga is not a work out, it is a work in, is a mind stuff, is a journey inward.  

Every effort will be made in every class to honour yoga as it is, from its roots, eliminating the effects of cultural appropriation, colonization and misogyny.


It’s a complicated world out there.  We come to yoga not in a clean slate, but with baggage and impressions of our samsara.   Yoga helps create inner resources that were not in place when our traumas occurred. 

My mission is to help you find new space to release the tension in the body, and heart space to meet yourself and the world with compassion and unconditional love. 

Options will be available for each posture.  Adjustments will be supportive but not interventional.  

All things are in place to put YOU back as the centre of your experience. 

Embodied experience

Yoga is not merely how a posture looks like from the outside, but an experience, if embodied, healing and transformative for higher purposes.   

Healing does not change who we are.  There is no need to, because every soul is essentially beautiful. 

Let's together peel back the layers and to go back to our true self.  

We're only walking each other home

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